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Συλλογές | |
Τίτλος |
Environmental Performance in the Supply Chain using Simulation: the impact of Ordering Policies |
Εναλλακτικός τίτλος |
Αξιολόγηση της περιβαλλοντικής επίδοσης της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας με τη χρήση προσομοίωσης : η επίδραση των πολιτικών παραγγελιοδοσίας. |
Δημιουργός |
Trachana, Theodora |
Συντελεστής |
Μηλιώτης, Παναγιώτης |
Εκδότης |
Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών |
Τύπος |
Text |
Φυσική περιγραφή |
106σ. : σχ. |
Γλώσσα |
en |
Περίληψη |
Today‟s competitive economic environment needs more than ever cautious steps from theorganizations. Moreover, environmental factors should be taken into consideration, both byadopting green practices and by reducing costs and carbon dioxide emissions. In this context,enterprises tend to adopt such practices and express their interest in these two metrics: costand CO2 emissions reduction. However, such business decisions require significant amount ofmoney and effort and the benefits are difficult to be foreseen. Methods and techniques need tobe involved in order for such decisions to be taken.Within this context, this thesis seeks to bridge these gaps by studying the way these decisionsare taken, identifying important decision factors that appear to be contingent to this problemand by providing a guide on how such problems could be handled via simulation. It containstwo phases: the exploratory which refers to the study of the certain case and the factorsidentification and the confirmatory phase which includes the experimental design and testing.More specifically, Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the main concepts of this thesis, whichlies in the examination and simulation experimentation of the business scenarios designed. InChapter 2, the background and the literature used as a basis for this thesis are reported in athree-research stream structure: Sustainable Supply Chains and Green Practices, IT andBusiness Process Redesign and Simulation and IT Assessment. Having identified several gapsin the research agenda, Chapter 3 provides the formulation of research hypotheses and theconceptual model and Chapter 4 describes the case study on which this thesis relies.After this exploratory phase, Chapter 5 presents in depth the Simulation Model. The next stepincludes the experiments‟ implementation. Chapter 7 summarizes the main findings of thethesis and determinates whether the research objectives are accomplished. Finally, Chapter 8provides a discussion section regarding the research findings and presents the theoretical andpractical contribution of this thesis. |
Λέξη κλειδί |
Supply chain management Environment Carbon emissions Environment pollution and environment Διοίκηση εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας Επίπτωση στο περιβάλλον Προστασία του περιβάλλοντος |
Ημερομηνία έκδοσης |
2014 |