Τίτλος Optimal portfolios for international asset allocation
Δημιουργός Petropoulou, Ioanna
Συντελεστής Topaloglou, Nikolaos
Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών , Τμήμα Διεθνών και Ευρωπαϊκών Οικονομικών Σπουδών
Τύπος Text
Φυσική περιγραφή 132 p.
Γλώσσα en
Περίληψη For investors but also professional managers, the structure and portfolio management is a particularly attentive effort. Unfortunately there are no set rules for efficient portfolio management. To ensure the best outcome, an investment should not be considered in isolation but the assessment should be based on the expected degree of performance and risk.The objective of this work is twofold. The first objective is in principle to be given an adequate description of the theory and practice of portfolio selection and portfolio assessment measures. It is about a description that will help us create our own portfolios.The second and more important objective is to perform an empirical examination of the behavior of portfolios based on real data relating to shares.So, depending of the objectives set and by the strategy of an investor, whether private or professional manager which owns some capital which wants to invest with the main purpose of the increase of these funds, will develop a portfolio which offers the risk mitigation opportunity or the return maximization opportunity. Therefore, is necessary to select a portfolio that suits him more, more suited to personal attitudes towards the exchange of yield-risk.
Λέξη κλειδί Portfolio management
Portfolio investment
Ημερομηνία έκδοσης 31-01-2016
Άδεια χρήσης https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/