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Στελέχωση ομάδων εργασίας με ανθρώπινο δυναμικό: ο ρόλος των ατομικών διαφορών και των διαδικασιών της ομάδας στη μελέτη της καινοτομίας
Author: Χατζή, Σοφία Χ.
Date: 02-2013
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Essays in financial economics
Author: Andrikopoulos, Athanasios
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Κριτήρια επιλογής φορέων αλλαγής: ο ρόλος και η συνεισφορά τους στη διαμόρφωση απόψεων απέναντι στην αλλαγή και στην επιτυχή έκβασή της
Author: Γκούρας, Αθανάσιος
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Συν-αγωνισμός (co-opetition) μεταξύ μεταφορικών και 3PL εταιρειών
Author: Κυριαζής, Παναγιώτης
Date: 2014
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User experience with portable IT artefacts: affective attributes of tablets and their role in sensemaking
Author: Zamani, Efpraxia D.
Date: 2014
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2-sided and multi-sided stable matchings: structures, algorithms, and applications
Author: Eirinakis, Pavlos
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Correlation modelling with application to risk management
Author: Markopoulou, Chrysi E.
Date: 07-2014
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Perceptions of competitive environment and organizational capabilities as antecedents of firm’s competitive response characteristics and performance: an examination of managerial perceptions on competitive response behavior of the firm and firm performance
Author: Fouskas, Konstantinos
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Higher moments modeling and forecasting
Author: Kostika, Eleftheria
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Optimization methods for multi-echelon vehicle routing problems with intermediate transshipment points
Author: Nikolopoulou, Amalia
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A predictive model for the acceptance of pervasive information systems by individuals
Author: Καραϊσκος, Δημήτρης Χ., Karaiskos, Dimitris C.
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Optimization methods for complex vehicle routing and scheduling problems
Author: Repoussis, Panagiotis P.
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Tools and techniques for building reliable application programming interfaces
Author: Kechagia, Maria A., Κεχαγιά, Μαρία Α.
Date: 09-11-2017
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Design of electronic services employing gamification: the impact of game elements on user behaviour and motivation
Author: Λουνής, Σταύρος, Lounis, Stavros
Date: 09/28/2017
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Communication games and the revelation principle in supply chain management
Author: Zissis, Dimitris
Date: 12-10-2015
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Secure software development technologies
Author: Mitropoulos, Dimitrios, Μητρόπουλος, Δημήτριος
Date: 2014
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Διερεύνηση του ρόλου των διαφορετικών μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης (social media) ως πηγές αναζήτησης πληροφοριών: οι περιπτώσεις της προ-αγοραστικής συμπεριφοράς των καταναλωτών και της αναζήτησης πληροφοριών για θέματα υγείας
Author: Fraidaki, Aikaterini, Φραϊδάκη, Αικατερίνη
Date: 09/08/2014
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Combining relational and stream data for real-time analytics
Author: Sotiropoulos, Yannis
Date: 23-08-2013
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The interplay of ICT innovation with state administrative tradition: evidence from the Greek taxation information system (TAXIS)
Author: Prasopoulou, Elpida